The requirement for duty holders to undertake risk assessment for the control of Legionella bacteria is set out in the Approved Code of Practice L8, 2013: The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems and associated guidance, HSG274. Our Legionella risk assessments are designed to assist duty holders to meet this requirement and follow the guidance in British Standard BS8580:2010. We are able to assess all system types of which the more commonly encountered systems include:
Domestic hot and cold water services
- Open evaporative cooling towers
- Hybrid cooling systems
- Process water systems
- Leisure water systems, including spa baths
- Healthcare premises including dental surgeries
- Machine tool coolants
- Vehicle wash systems
Why use First Environment
Our consultant team hold qualifications to BOHS P901, P903 and P904 and many years’ experience in undertaking risk assessments for the control of Legionella in commercial and industrial premises. We have particular experience in complex industrial process systems including to nuclear, motor manufacturing and oil refining industries which often provide the most challenging types of survey to undertake.
We work hard in the planning of surveys to ensure that all areas are accessible for survey so that assumptions and omissions are kept to an absolute minimum.
First Environment’s service portfolio supports Duty Holders with the development of a written scheme for the improvement actions, monitoring and maintenance programme requirements to provide on-going control.
First Environment is a registered company with the Legionella Control Association for the provision of Legionella risk assessments, independent consultancy services, training services, Hot and cold monitoring and inspection, and off site analytical services.