First Environment – Brexit Planning
Dear Customer,
With the potential dead-line of 29th March 2019 approaching and an absence of clarity on what may or may not happen on this date First Environment has undertaken a review of potential impacts on the continuity of service provision to our UK and EU clients.
We have made enquiries of our supply chain and sought assurance that they hold sufficient short term stock levels or that the supply of their key reagents, materials and similar are unaffected. The majority of our registrations, accreditations and regulators are UK based and will be unaffected. A number of services we provide are to the international standard ISO/IEC17020:2012 as accredited by UKAS. We have had confirmation from UKAS that this will be unaffected by the immediate transition.
As far as we can see our service provision should be unaffected by the transition and our supply chain is in place to support our analytical and other requirements.